Kensington Bath Shower Mixer Deck Mounted with 'S' Adjuster in Chrome/White
Kensington Bath Shower Mixer Deck Mounted with 'S' Adjuster in Chrome/White
Kensington Bath Shower Mixer Deck Mounted with 'S' Adjuster in Chrome/White
Kensington Bath Shower Mixer Deck Mounted with 'S' Adjuster in Chrome/White
KE15 - Kensington Bath Shower Mixer Deck Mounted with Black Taps
Kensington Bath Shower Mixer Deck Mounted with 'S' Adjuster in Chrome/White
For graceful bathroom brassware that is full of innovative technology, choose the Kensington Shower Mixer which combines ceramic detailing and a chrome finish
Chrome plated finish
Deck mounted only
Comes with the traditional screw down valves as standard
Quarter Turn Taps also available, simply add 'QT' to the product code
Can be installed with or without 'S Adjuster' - allow the telephone handset to be positioned over the bath so it drips into the bath when you are done